Baspar Chemi Sepidan (BCS) a settled company at Isfahan Science and Technology Town (ISTT) received the Asian Science Park Association’s award for 2022.
The company received the award for its developed technology and gaining significant business and commercial achievements in the fields of designing, formulation and developing know-how for different kinds of master batches, compounds, polymeric additives and rubber.
Identifying and recognizing the needs of polymer industries, creating new accelerators and innovation centers in the field of green polymer industries and formation of specialized groups in the field have been among the other activities of the company.
ASPA annually holds this competition among the nominated companies of its members to promote the commercialization of knowledge-based technologies, and to help in the effort of attracting international partnerships and finance to these companies.
This year the 25th conference of the Asian Science Park Association was held from the 31st October to 2nd November in Jeju island in South Korea.
The 40th ASPA Board of Directors Meeting was also held in Maison Glad in Jeju- Korea, at the same time.
visit count : 720 Date: Sept. 26, 2022
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